Face up
A dance poem for youngsters about identity and belonging
What determines where we belong and when we feel at home? What is it that makes us segregate? Is it the dialect, the accent, the appearance or is it all the tiny, little references to the past, the private things we share, the smell, the humor? This performance is a dance performance, which embraces the questions of identity and belonging, and it unfolds and unites both movement and words. The performance is created by the well known choreographer Tali Rázga and the award winning text writer Tomas Lagermand Lundme.
AGE From 13 years
DURATION Approx. 45 min
Performers: Fie Dam Mygind, Søren Linding Urup, Mathilde Kjer Parlo & Mikaël Orozco (original cast)
Choreographer: Tali Rázga
Set designer: Nadia Nabil Korsbæk
Writer: Tomas Lagermand Lundme
Dramaturge: Inge Agnete Tarpgaard
Light design: Mikkel Jensen
Sound design: Erik Christoffersen
Graphics and illustrations: Marianne Siem
PR & marketing: Janne Schnipper
Production Manager: Viktor Magnusson
Producer: Eva Nordhagen
PREMIERE January 17th – 31st 2015 in Dansehallerne, Copenhagen
SUPPORTED BY Statens Kunstråds Scenekunstudvalg, Augustinus Fonden, Bikubenfonden, Koda-Dramatik og Københavns Scenekunstudvalg