

A monologue for three dancers

Shadowland is about love. And love’s shadow.
A girl has been institutionalised. She has assaulted a person.
A person who said, ”I love you”.

And afterwards – when the other class mates came in and caught them – he said, “I don’t love you”.
You’re a slut. No one gets to call her a slut.
She got her revenge. In her own way.
She wasn’t alone when she avenged herself.
The shadow was with her. It was the shadow that talked her into revenge.
Now she is in a place where she doesn’t cast a shadow.

The light in the institution is so bright. Almost like a burning sun.
Nevertheless she finds her shadow and allows herself to be consumed again, so she can tell us her story.
About love. And love’s shadow.

AGE GROUPE From 12 years

DURATION Approx. 50 minutes

PREMIERE 28.01.2017, Dansehallerne, Copenhagen

Dancers: Fie Dam Mygind, Søren Linding Urup, Anne Nyboe
Choreography: Tali Rázga with the dancers
Text: Tomas Lagermand Lundme
Scenography og videoprojection: Michael Søndergaard
Scenographic consultant: Rikke Juellund
Dramaturg: Inge Agnete Tarpgaard
Lightdesign: Mikkel Jensen
Sounddesign: Rumpistol
Graphics, PR fotos & videotrailer: Søren Meisner
PR: Betina Rex
Productionmanager: Maja Aas
Producers: Eva Nordhagen & Carlos Calvo

CO-PRODUCER Dansehallerne

SUPPORTED BY Statens Kunstråds Scenekunstudvalg, Koda Dramatik, BUPL’s Solidaritets- og kulturpulje, FrederiksbergFonden, Københavns kommunes scenekunstudvalg, Bikubenfonden


”…the dancers convincingly capture the transition from childhood to adulthood, from silly bean to party animal, conveniently underscored by Rumpistol’s steaming soundscape.”
– Lise Gaardsdal, Politiken, 31.01.2017

”In sum a really well crafted dance piece that is definitely worth watching! A story about the darker side of love.”
-Amalie Sloth de Fine Licht,, 29.01.2017

”A performance drags you back to youth’s first innocent kiss and the overwhelmingly strong emotions combining bodily language of dancing and the power of words .”
-Ann-Katrine Myrup Andersen,, 29.01.2017