Dancers: Søren Linding Urup, Ella Östlund, Marlene Bonnesen
Choreographer: Tali Rázga i samarbejde med danserne
Composer: Rumpistol
Set Diseigner: Nadia Nabil
Dramaturgy: Karina Dichov Lund
Photo: Søren Meisner

SUPPORTING FOUNDATIONS:  Danish Arts Foundation, Augustinus Foundation, BUPL Kultur- og Solidaritetspulje.


is a performance about Dyslexia for three dancers and three human-sized letters:

(W) O R D

In a playful and sensuous way, the three letters (W) O R D and the dancers illustrates how the world of letters can offer a sense of security for some – and in the same time, how it can be anxiety-provoking and exclusionary for others. Dyslexia, or word blindness, is quite widespread. Thus live approx. 400,000 in Denmark with the invisible disability. Some are so challenged that they never learn to write their full name. Others are far less challenged and can manage quite unproblematically in our highly literate society. 

It is most often at school that it becomes clear that the child has a challenge. and it can bring both great relief and great frustration to be tested for dyslexia. You are neither stupid nor lazy, the brain just works differently and what seems easy to others costs a lot of energy.

“Gazart’s ‘WORD’ is a sensual and thought-interesting dyslexic dance, mediated by physics and emotions You get an intuitive desire to follow them in their movements. Wordlessly, they relate to the letters. With their bodies they express attraction and repulsion. Doubt, wonder, strangeness and familiarity. A kind of fear and a kind of familiarity. They also talk to each other physically via the way they are non-verbally together. With the choreography that Tali Rázga has created in collaboration with Fie Dam Mygind and the dancers, Gazart has grasped a very interesting way of approaching the subject of dyslexia. And on further reflection, it is actually a very “natural” or obvious “logical” handling of the subject, all the while dyslexia is closely linked with physics and emotions – closely with a differently functioning brain and feelings of, for example, anxiety and exclusion, qua the difficulties with letters and words.”                   – – Teateravisen, Kirsten Dahl


TARGET GROUP: From 8 years and families

DURATION: 40 min.

TOUR: Contact info@gazart.dk for more information and booking.